Visthetic Med Spa

Work with world-renowned doctors in cosmetic and plastic surgery


What is VASER Hi-Def Liposculpturing?

VASER Hi-Def Liposucturing (VHD) is an innovative liposuction technique that can help you achieve
the sculpted, defined body you’ve always wanted. The result? A natural, chiseled appearance
that’s often hard to achieve with other methods, including exercise and diet. VHD is for women as well,
although most women prefer a softer, feminine sculpting.

How is VASER Hi-Def Liposculpturing different from traditional liposuction?

It’s all in the technology and specialized sculpting techniques. Unlike traditional liposuction, this method requires not only the innovative technology of VASER, but specialized surgeon training in VHD, comprehensive knowledge of muscle anatomy, and the expertise to deliver the results. The procedure involves a two-step process: first, the application of ultrasonic energy to strategically emulsify the fat and suction it out. Finally, the targeted muscles are defined and chiseled out using specialized cannulas and techniques.

What are the results of this procedure?

VASER Hi-Def Liposculpturing has been successful in treating various areas, including abdominal muscles(6-pack), obliques, pecs, lats, biceps, triceps, and deltoids. Most muscular groups of the body can be treated, offering a comprehensive body transformation.

Your Journey to a New You

The journey begins with an initial consultation, where you’ll discuss your body goals and aspirations. You’ll also discuss your medical history and pricing and scheduling information. The procedure itself is performed in a state-of-the-art surgery center, with anesthesia options to suit your preference.

Recovery and Results

Post-procedure, you can expect some bruising, swelling, and pain, which can be managed with prescribed medication. The recovery process varies, but you should be up and walking around within a day. You’ll need to wear a special compression garment for up to a month to ensure a good contour to your treated areas.

The results of your VASER Hi-Def Liposculpturing are usually best seen after six weeks, with continued changes up to four months. To maintain your new physique, a diet and personalized exercise program is provided.

Frequently Asked Questions

How is this procedure performed?

Anesthesia: Vaser Hi-Def Liposculpturingis typically performed under local with IV sedation, twilight, or general anesthesia. The Anesthesiologist will discuss which option is best for the patient.

Marking the Treatment Areas: Before the procedure begins, the doctor marks the areas of the body that will be treated. This ensures precision and accuracy during the procedure.

Tumescent Fluid Injection: The next step involves injecting a solution known as tumescent fluid in to the treatment areas. This fluid, a mixture of saline, lidocaine, and epinephrine, helps to minimize bleeding, swelling, and discomfort during and after the procedure.

VASER: The doctor then uses the VASER device, which stands for Vibration Amplification of Sound Energy at Resonance. This device emulsifies and removes the targeted fat cells while preserving the surrounding tissue.

Fat Grafting (Optional): If desired, the fat removed during the VASER-assisted liposculpture procedure can be used to enhance other areas of the body. This process, known as fat grafting, can be used to augment areas such as the buttocks, breasts, or face.

Compression Garment: After the procedure, it’s typically recommended to wear a compression garment. This helps to minimize swelling and support the newly sculpted body contours, promoting a smoother recovery and optimal results.


Immediately After Surgery: You’ll likely wake up in a recovery room where medical staff will monitor you as the anesthesia wears off.

Pain and Discomfort: Some pain and discomfort are normal after liposuction. You will be prescribed pain medication to help manage this.

Swelling and Bruising: Expect some swelling and bruising in the treated areas. These should gradually decrease over the following weeks.

You will most likely note some tumescent fluid drainage from the incision sites. This fluid will appear blood-tinged, which is normal. Note that 50% of the tumescent solution is absorbed by the body and the rest leaks out. This can occur for up to 48 hours. It is important for the patient to keep this in mind and protect their bed at home.

Compression Garment: 
Prior to leaving the Operating Room, a compression garment will be placed. This will be worn as instructed by your surgeon. This helps to reduce swelling, bruising, and discomfort. In addition, it provides support to the treated areas.

Activity: It’s important to get up and move around as soon as you can after surgery to help prevent blood clots. However, you should avoid strenuous activity and exercise for the first two weeks or until your doctor gives you the go-ahead. Follow-Up
Appointments: You’ll have follow-up appointments with your doctor to check on your progress.

Long-Term Results: Remember, it can take several months to see the final results of your liposuction. Your body needs time to heal and adjust.

Remember, everyone’s recovery experience is unique, and your doctor will provide you with the most accurate information based on your individual circumstances. Always follow your doctor’s advice and don’t hesitate to reach out to your medical team if you have any concerns during your recovery.

What can I expect during the healing and recovery phase?

The recovery process is different for everyone, but within a day after your VASER Hi-Def Liposculpture, you should be up and walking around.

Excess tumescent fluid will most likely drain from the access points for the first day or two. This fluid may be blood tinged as well.

You may shower on the second or third day following surgery. Depending on the number of areas treated, you may need to be out of work and away from your usual activities for the first week.

Over the next 2-3 weeks, your treated areas may remain very sensitive and strenuous physical activities should be limited. You will need to wear a special compression garment for up to a month to help ensure a good contour to your treated areas. You may resume exercise two weeks post-surgery.

When will I see results?

The results of your VASER Hi Def Liposculpture are usually best seen after six weeks, and you will have continued changes out to four months.

Your treated areas should look great and retain their sculptured appearance for as long as you maintain a healthy diet, exercise program, and body weight. To assist in maintaining your new physique, we provide a diet and a personalized exercise program developed by Dr. Matlock.



How long do results last?

The duration of the results from VASER Hi Def Liposculpture can vary depending on various factors, including the individual’s body type, lifestyle, and adherence to a healthy diet and exercise regimen.

However, in general, the results of body liposuction are considered long-lasting and can be permanent if the individual maintains a healthy lifestyle.

It is essential to note that liposuction removes fat cells permanently, but it does not prevent new fat cells from developing. Therefore, it is crucial to maintain a healthy lifestyle with regular exercise and a balanced diet to avoid the formation of new fat cells. Overall, the duration of the results of this procedure depends on various factors, but maintaining a healthy lifestyle is key to ensuring the longevity of the results.