Visthetic Med Spa

Work with world-renowned doctors in cosmetic and plastic surgery

Breast Augmentation with Fat Transfer

Breast Augmentation with Fat Transfer

Looking for a natural-looking and safe way to enhance your bustline? Consider a breast augmentation
with fat transfer! This innovative procedure uses your own body’s fat to enhance the size and shape of
your breasts, without the need for implants.

With a breast augmentation with fat transfer, you can achieve your desired look while also enjoying the
added benefits of a slimmer and more sculpted physique. 

At Visthetic Surgery Institute & MedSpa™, we specialize in providing top-notch breast augmentation
with fat transfer services that are customized to meet your unique needs and preferences. Our
experienced and highly skilled surgeons use the latest techniques to ensure the best possible results,
with minimal downtime and a speedy recovery.

So why wait? Schedule a consultation with us today and discover how a breast augmentation with fat
transfer can help you feel more confident, sexy, and beautiful than ever before!

What are the results of this procedure?

A good candidate for breast augmentation with fat transfer is someone who desires a moderate increase in breast size, has excess fat in other areas of their body, and prefers a more natural-looking result. Ideal candidates should be in good overall health, have realistic expectations about the outcome of the procedure, and be willing to follow post-operative instructions carefully.

It’s important to note that not everyone is a good candidate for this procedure. Patients who have very little excess fat or who desire a significant increase in breast size may be better suited for traditional breast augmentation with implants. 

The best way to determine whether you are a good candidate for breast augmentation with fat transfer is to consult with our plastic surgeons, who specialize in breast enhancement procedures. During your consultation, our plastic surgeons will evaluate your health history, examine your body, and discuss your goals and expectations in order to determine the best course of action for achieving the results you desire.

Frequently Asked Questions

How is this procedure performed?

Our plastic surgeons typically performs breast augmentation with fat transfer using a three-step process.

Step 1: Harvesting the Fat
In the first step, our plastic surgeons will use liposuction to remove excess fat from other areas of your body, such as the abdomen, hips, or thighs. The harvested fat is then purified and prepared for transfer to your breasts.

Step 2: Preparing the Breasts
Next, our plastic surgeons will prepare your breasts for the fat transfer. This involves making a small incision, typically in the crease beneath the breast or around the areola. Through this incision, our plastic surgeons will create a space in the breast tissue to receive the transferred fat.

Step 3: Fat Transfer
In the final step, our plastic surgeons will carefully inject the purified fat into the breast tissue using a specialized technique. This process is repeated until the desired breast size and shape is achieved. Once the fat transfer is complete, our plastic surgeons will close the incisions using sutures or adhesive strips.

The entire procedure typically takes between two to four hours to complete, depending on the amount of fat to be transferred and the complexity of the case. Most patients are able to return home the same day and can resume normal activities within a few days after the procedure.

What can I expect during the procedure?

Surgery Center

Visthetic Surgery Institute & MedSpa™ features a Medicare Certified state-of-the-art surgery center, measuring over 5,000 square feet.

We have three operating rooms, a six-bed recovery area, and three pre-op rooms.


Patients can choose from either twilight or general anesthesia. Ninety-eight percent of patients request general anesthesia. This decision is between the patient and the anesthesiologists. The anesthesiologist will call the patient the day before the procedure to answer all questions concerning anesthesia care.

In the pre-op room, you will be prepped by the operating room RN and anesthesiologists. Our plastic surgeons will then use a surgical marker on the skin to delineate exactly what is to be done during the procedure.

You should expect some bruising, swelling and pain after your procedure. It is normal to experience numbness, specifically around the breasts. This will go away in time.

We will prescribe pain medication to control any discomfort. If you begin to have severe pain post-surgery and during your recovery period, please contact us immediately.

What can I expect during the healing and recovery phase?

Incision Closure: Once the fat transfer is complete, our plastic surgeons will close the incisions using sutures or adhesive strips. He will then apply a surgical dressing to help protect the incisions and minimize swelling and discomfort.

Recovery: After the procedure, you will be taken to a recovery area where you will be closely monitored as you wake up from anesthesia. Most patients are able to go home the same day and can resume normal activities within a few days after the procedure. However, you will need to avoid strenuous activity and heavy lifting for several weeks to allow the transferred fat cells to fully settle and integrate into the breast tissue.

Our plastic surgeons will provide detailed instructions on how to care for your incisions and manage any discomfort or swelling following the procedure. He will also schedule follow-up appointments to monitor your progress and ensure that you achieve the best possible results.